
On this page you will find links to blog posts and other articles which may be of lasting interest, sorted by subject. After each link, there is a brief summary of the subject. Click on a title to go to the full article.

Favourite blog posts

Change management
Interpersonal skills
Managing people
Programmes and Projects

Disasters, and how you can (try to) avoid them

Disasters and how you can (try to) avoid them

This post discusses why avoidable disasters still happen, and you may be able to do to reduce the risk.

Light the blue touch paper and stand well back! 5 tips for avoiding email fireworks

Light the blue touch-paper, and stand well back! 5 tips for avoiding e-mail fireworks

This post discusses why email exchanges can so easily lead to conflict that no-one meant, and how you can avoid this.

8 reasons to review your governance

8 reasons to review your governance

This post looks at signs that your internal governance arrangements may be weak or failing.

Which matters more, the path or the goal?

Which matters more, the path or the goal?

Unless you are very -clear about where you are trying to get to, you may finish up headed somewhere else when the path twists unexpectedly.

A Mug’s game?

A mug’s game?

How to make sure that Boards have the information they need to make good decisions.

Why do transitions fail?

Why do transitions fail?

When circumstances change, strategy may change, but unless the culture changes too to match, the strategic change may well fail.

Do you work for a grown-up?

Do you work for a grown-up?

The importance and characteristics of organisational maturity.

Honesty or head in the sands?

Honesty or head in the sands?

In the long run its always better to be as open as you can be.